Corvid-19 is a wake-up call to a problem most people have significantly underestimated. I’m referring to climate change. The similarities between Corvid-19 and climate change are many and more than a little disturbing. Corvid-19 is a virus. It began with one person in Wuhan, China. From there is spread around the world. Eventually it will...

Category: Blog
Climate change is far worse than we’ve been led to believe. The following ten facts explain the problem in a manner that is different than the more conventional view, and more disturbing. We have the exact same number of carbon molecules on earth today as we did when the earth was first formed; all that...
Why is climate change important & Cause of climate change?
Before explaining the cause of climate change, and why climate change is so important, it is best to explain how – and why – the general public began looking at this global, and irreversible, problem from entirely the wrong perspective. Someone, whose name I do not recall, said, “No problem can be effectively addressed until...
There Can Be No Sustainability
Scientists first introduced climate change to the public by focusing on the complex analysis of climate data, things like floods, droughts, storms and melting ice. These are just the Symptoms of climate change, not the Cause. Suppose you went to the doctor because you’re not feeling well. He looks at the symptoms and says, “I...
We Can Fix The Problem
We Can Fix The Problem of greenhouse gas emissions but first we have to fix the U.S. Congress so it can make the difficult decisions needed to curb greenhouse gas emissions. We can make Congress work by taking away the influence of money on our Representatives. And that is way easier than you think. Just...
The Emperor Has No Clothes
The title says it all, provided you know the story. If you don’t it goes like this. The emperor was fooled into buying a suit of clothes that were invisible. Obviously when he wore invisible clothes he appeared naked. Unfortunately he was constantly surrounded by his loyal subjects, all of which were afraid to be...
The Time For Talk Is Over
Memo’s Don’t Work, Committees Don’t Work, We Need A Grassroots Program Who started the Russian Revolution? It wasn’t the Czar and it wasn’t the Government. It was the people; the Bolshevists. They changed Russia forever. Who started the movement to decrease cigarettes use? It wasn’t the US Government and it wasn’t corporations. It was the people of Alabama who sued...
Congress Can’t Help; Corporations Won’t
Thankfully the mood of this country seems to be changing. Some people are getting a little nervous, and rightfully so. I still think we need to do more and we need to move faster. I know it is difficult to react to something when it is not slapping you in the face every day, but...
One Answer to Climate Change
We are unlikely to stop climate change at this point based on the very simple observation that both ice caps, and virtually every glacier on earth, are melting and decreasing in size. Furthermore, the tundra has warmed sufficiently to begin to release methane. The more ice that melts in the Arctic, the more sea that is uncovered....
Does Global Warming Stir Up More Violent Storms?
In the wake of Gustav, three more tropical storms are lining up to pummel U.S. coasts. The increased frequency of hurricanes and tropical storms this season has stirred up the debate about whether global warming causes violent weather. Many scientists and climatologists believe that global warming is not only creating more storms, but more destructive...