Earth Ship is a fairly interesting and novel way to turn corporate sponsorship of this environmental undertaking into an effective tax shelter.

I am of the opinion that in principle, a charitable deduction for the remaining lease value of the Earth Ship could be sustained.
Tax Attorney
In our view, a charitable contribution should be allowable for a contribution by the taxpayer of a specified temporal portion of the ship’s charter.
Tax Attorney
in New York City
We have considered the guidelines, purposes and educational objectives of (Earth Ship) and we are very interested in participating in the program.
The Universidad Nacional in Cost Rica, School of Biological Sciences
Earth Ship is not only innovative for this region but an exciting program in which all would like to participate.
School of Accounting and Management in Trinidad
On behalf of the PNG Government, I am interested in the Earth Ship Program.
The Minister of the Environment and Conservation
Government of Papua New Guinea
We are very interested in pursuing a partnership agreement that would provide Earth Ship with the video production skills and educational know-how that makes Bank Street America’s most trusted name in education.
The Bank Street College
We are writing in support of your innovative Earth Ship project to link university students around the world via live video conferencing in order to raise their global warming awareness of the environmental issues facing mankind.
Dr. Paul Ehrlich
Stanford University
I have strongly supported Earth Ship from the very beginning. The reasoning behind this is that we desperately need your project to help raise the world population’s attention concerning global warming and environmental degradation.
Dr. David Pimentell
Cornell University
I must tell you how enthusiastic I am about the proposed Earth Ship Program. This is one of the most innovative and exciting projects I have every come across.
Ross Gelbspan
Author of
You have proposed a very good way of activating thousands of people around the world.
Pete Seeger
We would be very interested in pursuing (Earth Ship) so we could carry out environmental education and ecotourism programs.
Director of Resources
The Nature Conservancy
I believe Earth Ship is an excellent idea.
Director, Discovery Tours
American Museum of Natural History
I can now report with a high degree of assuredness that the combination of a teaching program with a community outreach component should be a great success.