The First Two Earth Ships

The first two Earth Ships already exist, and the first two corporations that sponsor these vessels will be able to do so at zero net expense. The vessel you see here is an example of the first two Earth Ships. Once a corporation signs the Long-Term Time Charter Agreement, the Earth Ship Program can be operational in a matter of two months.
The new and larger ships, Earth Ship One, Earth Ship Two, and so on, will be approximately 3,800 tons. These four-masted vessels will be the cynosure for life in a reduced carbon civilization. When the future Earth Ships are operational, the first two smaller vessels will be moored permanently as offices for Earth Ship Limited, Inc., one on the East Coast, and one on the West Coast.
Future Earth Ships
The vessel shown below is not currently part of the Earth Ship fleet. It is, however, about the same dimensions: length, breadth, dead-weight tonnage, and sail configuration. Essentially this is exactly what future Earth Ships will look like. Below are the preliminary plans for future vessels. Note the communications cabin on the main desk, as well as the amphitheater amidships.
Global Awareness for Global Issues

Each black dot represents a sailing ship: Earth Ship One, Earth Ship Two, Earth Ship Three and so on. The black lines represent the connectivity provided by Live Video Conferencing.
Each Tall Ship will travel around the world – from port to port and country to country. In each port the public will be told the absolute truth about the Carbon Ratio and climate change. Each ship will be sponsored by a different corporation. Due to the new and unique structure of this program, every corporations will enjoy material benefits greater than the cost of their participation.
Each ship will use live video conferencing to connect the world. Universities, environmental organizations, business leaders, government officials, corporations and like-minded people from around the world will be able to share their interests and concerns. At the same time the Earth Ship Program will be increasing world unity by focusing the world’s attention on the one issue common to us all. In the fractious world we live in today, increased world unity will have a myriad of benefits.