en English

I’m Not The First To Think It

I’m not the first to think it, but I might be the first to put it in print.Every single indicator of human well being that I can find, I’m talking globally here, has a negative slope. In other words, things don’t look like they are going to get better any time soon. Add to that the fact that climate change is, for all intents and purposes, unstoppable at this point, and just as unstoppable is the less developed world when it comes to making more babies, and together we have a mess on our hands. The fabric of modern civilization is beginning to show signs of wear. So what do we do? Are we doomed to do what every other civilization has done before ours, and that is to slide off the map and into oblivion just because we were too stupid, or, in our case, too arrogant to heed the environmental warnings Mother Nature is sending us. I fear that is the case. But I also have faith in humanity, the younger ones in particular. If you are one of those younger people, take a look at our web site. We think we can make a difference, but we need your help. Get on board. Do something.
